Lisa and Micha have always been crazy about traveling, but their ways of traveling were completely different until the moment they met. Lisa spent a lot of time with her family in the warm sun of Cuba, while Micha was more of an adventurer and preferred Scandinavia. Nevertheless, they shared two things right from the start: the travel bug and their love of the sea. Lisa spent a proud two years on the MS Germany, the dream ship, where she worked in the service department and explored the world. Micha, on the other hand, spent four entire years in the navy, on the frigate Brandenburg and the famous Gorch Fock. Their paths crossed briefly before the outbreak of corona and suddenly they could no longer travel far. Instead of burying their heads in the sand, however, they decided to rethink. They quickly converted Micha's van into a small motorhome and immersed themselves in the exciting vanlife adventure. Together, they took their first trips to Sweden and spent a lot of time in their shared home of Thuringia. In 2022, the two gave up their previous lives to live Micha's dream: To explore the world on a motorcycle. This had been his passion since 2010 and even became his profession as an enduro trainer in 2015. For Lisa, however, motorcycling was initially completely new territory, which is why she obtained her motorcycle license shortly before setting off to travel around the world on her own BMW F650 GS Twin. Through eleven countries in Latin America, over hill and dale, along winding roads and past countless potholes, our K60 Scout was able to accompany her on her journey of an incredible 45,000 km.

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